Monday, July 14, 2008

Hospital Stay

Once we were settled into our hospital room, my mom and sister left for the night. The feeling that came upon me was remarkable. I looked to my right and there was my wonderful and loving husband. To my left was my beautiful, new baby girl. We talked a little and looked at her a lot. Dinner came and Jeff decided he better get something more suitable. After Au Bon Pan and late night cookies we hit the hay. It wasn't until 3 am that I woke up. My baby nurse came in to wake me, so I could feed Sophia. That is when all the questions started.

I realized I didn't know enough about feeding. How often? How? What position? What can and can't I eat? How long does it take? WHat should it feel like? How much does the baby get at each feeding? I kept asking these questions of my baby nurse, my nurse and my lactation nurse, but I was getting conflicting answers. That's why I hired a lactation consultant. I wished I did it sooner. After I could sit up, day 8, I called Mary. I'll tell you more later.

Thursday was a new day. We were told Sophia had a broken collar bone from the delivery. The worry, fear and anxiety of motherhood came crushing upon me. My baby had a broken clavicle. The pediatricians in the hospital said to let it heal naturally. I immediately called my pediatrician and they said the same, but wanted to see her ASAP after discharge.

We spent the day together looking at Sophia, feeding Sophia and talking about Sophia, OH how this peanut changed my world. My sister came to help with the episiotomy care because the pain was unbearable. I started the percocet and was sure to get a prescription for home.

Friday we went home, and I still had so many questions about breast feeding and her collar bone and my pain, but off we went.
We came as two and left as three. That's magical!

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