Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Getting Better? Breast Feeding Tips and more

So needless to say the details aren't necessary, but recovery for the first 7 days was difficult. Try compounding that with the pain of an infected tooth.

Day 6 I woke up with a sore jaw and aching tooth. I called the doctor because I am no stranger to dental problems. I made an appointment for 2 days from then. I still couldn't imagine sitting on a hard dentist chair. By day 8, it was too late. My mouth was so infected, it was difficult to recognize me. I was only consuming liquids and taking a lot of Motrin.

That is what lead me to call a lactation consultant. Day 7 I found Mary. She is a God send. A guardian angel. I knew when I went to the dentist that I would be getting some kind of serious procedure. I knew that invo;ved medication, so I wanted to speak with an expert about the effects on breastfeeding. Mary came to meet us that very day. She weighed Sophia and helped with latching on and feeding positions. But it was the plan she offered that was so helpful. She left a pump with me. She explained that I would have to pump and dump for 6 hours after Novacaine. She also explained how long to pump for, how long to leave in between pumps and how to get back into feeding with the pain killers. I couldn't have done it without her. I was very nervous about all of the dental work and medication effecting Sophia. Her plan and information put my mind to rest.

Here are some tips I learned about breast feeding in general and being on medication while nursing. Hope you find these tips helpful:
If you are nursing:
1. When in pain, Motrin, Tylenol, Percocet are all safe. It won't effect the baby or your milk.
2. If Novacaine is administered, wait 6 hours before resuming feeding. Pump and dump.
3. If you have to pump, pump for at least 10 minutes on each side. The more you empty your breasts, the more milk you produce.
4. Pump every two hours.
5. I found this website about medication and nursing.Hope you find it informative.

I have learned so much more about breast feeding from Mary. Fill you in tomorrow.

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