Monday, July 21, 2008

Breast feeding tips I learned

As I mentioned earlier, Mary, my lactation consultant, has taught me so much. I wish I knew going in all this information, but I know now and it has made a world of difference. I hope these tips on breast feeding help all fellow moms out there who are dedicated to nursing.

1. Drinking too many fluids could interfere with milk production.
2. One must add 500 calories to their daily in take in order to keep up with lactation.
3. Maintaining a low fat or fat free diet will effect the quality of your milk, resulting in milk that doesn't "fill up" your little one.
4. Sleep deprivation or stress could interrupt milk production.
5. Oatmeal, yogurt, and brewers' yeast should be part of your daily menu.
6. The baby can extract more milk than a pump.
7. Your milk changes everyday based on what the peanut needs that day.

Breast feeding is going nicely for Sophia and I. The only disadvantage is the lack of dieting. I was hoping to have lost my weight by now, but the calorie requirements are hindering my goals. I will have to find time to exercise, but how do you do that with a 7 week old attached to you?

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