Friday, July 25, 2008

Sleep, Sophia, Sleep

Sophia is doing so well, but we are crossing some new bridges. She truly is an angel, but we do have one small issue.

Sophia only wants to be held. Now I wouldn't mind, but I mean only held. For the last two weeks, she has only gone down after her 8 o'clock feeding. I must admit that I have enjoyed all the cuddle time with my precious baby, yet I did have to think of the future. Where would we be in one month or 8 months?

So this week I have dedicated all my time to getting her acquainted with her big girl crib.
Also, I have been trying to increase her nap times because I realized she was sleeping much less than all the information on infant sleep indicated was healthy. We are slowly becoming successful. She is spending at least 30 minutes at a time in the crib for naps. The night is much easier for her, and the black out shades we hung have really helped.

Sleep is so essential to infants and necessary for breast feeding mommies. To all you who think it's OK to have baby in bed one more night, don't fool yourself. Start a healthy sleep schedule now for every one's benefit.

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