Saturday, June 28, 2008

Onto Postpartum

Sophia and I had a nice amount of time to bond. The nurse allowed me to hold her while the cord blood procedure was complete. Once the blood was packaged, my doctor had to close up shop if you know what I mean.

No one explained how many stitches one may receive from the episiotomy. No one told me one could be in excrutiating pain after the episiotomy for weeks. No one told me that one would bleed for a month! Ladies...why haven't we all been honest. I have to say... I would do it all over again to have Sophia, but that recovery was horrible. Almost crippling.

Ok, enough about that. The positive...Jeff and my mom watched as Sophia was weighed and measured. They got to see her get dressed and receive her first vaccine. Jeff caught it all on video which makes me very happy because I was unable to see it.
Right after the nurse was done with Sophia, she made sure I started to breast feed right there! It was amazing. It seemed so natural for Sophia, and yet it was weird to think that my breasts were ready to sustain a human life. Anyhow, more bonding. It was great! Then Jeff and Mommom, and Aunt Maria demanded some bonding time too.

Shortly after they wanted me to get over to my new and beautiful room in the postpartum wing. First I had to go to the bathroom. That was frightening, but I was able to get by with the help of my sister, the nurse. It was at that point that I knew the recovery would be difficult. I had an epidural and local, and I still felt a decent amount of discomfort. Oh No!

Once those steps were successfully completed, we were off. Mom and Maria carrying bags. Jeff pushing Sophia's bassinet and Nurse Vicki pushing me. Sophia went to have her check up in the nursery. My family got me situated into my new room, and the bliss began.

I will fill you in our two day stay and breast feeding in my next post. Sophia is doing great and so are we. Keep reading:)

1 comment:

Alison Kennedy said...

So happy to be reading your story :) I found day 5-7 was the hardest for me. Felt like I was hit by a truck. I was okay in the hospital but once I was home....oh boy!

Love ya!