Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pregnancy, Child Birth, Hospitals, OH MY!

In my last post, I was 9 months pregnant and preparing to be induced. Now our beautiful baby is 14 days old! It has been very long since I posted, but I promise I will be writing a lot. Today, I'd like to tell you about the day of my delivery.

Jeff and I woke up and were perfectly on time to the hospital on that cool Wednesday morning. I wasn't nervous in the slightest. We had everything packed, and my mom and my sister were on their way for moral support. Jeff was unbelievably cool and loving. Everything seemed simple enough.

Once admitted by my wonderful nurse, Vicki, my doctor strolled in with his coffee. In a matter of minutes in the hospital, my water was broken and we were on our way.

NOW, this is where y post gets interesting. From here on in, I plan to tell you exactly what the birthing experience was like. Because no one was truly honest with me, and they should have been. When he broke my water, I thought I was going to feel my brains drain out with my amniotic fluid. It was way intense. Jeff was silent for 20 minutes after that because he just had no words to describe what he had seen.

Things quieted down and the waiting began. I spoke to my sister and she recommended that I get the epidural ASAP. I waited longer than I should have, but I did order it around noon sometime. Thank goodness I didn't wait longer because I would have been delivering au natural. Jeff was allowed to stay in the room for the shot, but he was banned to a corner of the room. I must say, I was most worried about that needle in my back, but that proved to be the easiest part of everything. I did flinch once but not from pain. The sensation was just odd and eery. Once all was done, the numbing was wonderful.

I will have to leave you hanging for now. Sophia is rousing and it is time to nurse.



Alison Kennedy said...

Its about time lady!!! I've been waiting for details..... :)
Love ya
Can't wait to meet sophia!

iawpsplhah said...

Well, congratulations! I think I'll be switching over to http://www.takeyourleap.blogspot.com/ from now on, as these kinds of details can be left to wonder about for a year or two:)