Monday, July 14, 2008

The First Week Home After Baby

Family. That is what God provides us with to get through the hard times. Then they are there to celebrate your good times. To my surprise, the pain from my episiotomy increased. I was taking more Percocet and Mortin than planned. I could not sit at all and laying down wasn't fun either. As a result, the pressure fell on Jeff and my family. I just rested and fed Sophia. She was my only job!

Because the house was still on the market, my mom cleaned every day so we could allow our realtors to schedule showings. She also cooked all our meals and did our laundry for one week. It was such a blessing to see my mom still taking care of me while I was taking care of my new daughter.

My sister visited everyday to see Sophia and tend to my bottom pain. Jeff made sure everything else ran smoothly.
Listen women, the pain doesn't last forever, but prepare that the first week home after delivering baby is NO walk in the park.

We took Sophia to the doctor the next day to get her collar bone checked. Needless to say, I was shocked and worried to find out she was Jaundice. We had to supplement every breast feeding with formula for 48 hours. We returned on Monday. The doctor said the collar bone was healing well, but she wanted us to see a specialist. She also sent us to the hospital to get blood work on Sophia to check her Bilirubin levels. Not how you envision your first 72 hours home with baby, and that's not how it looks on TLCs "Bring Home Baby".

Good news about the blodd work. She was out of the woods. Now I could focus on healing and breast feeding.
Or so I thought...


Alison Kennedy said...

I agree! That first week home on tv is all real life, its like you are standing in the middle of the road and a tractor trailer ran you over! Thank God for our family! :)
Love you.
can't wait to meet sophia!

Cyndi said...

You have to call me so we can chat!