I was very excited when Sophia turned 4 months. Her head and neck control was awesome, and she was getting quite tired on lying on her back. I knew it was time for the exersaucer. I must admit that it took Jeff no time to set up, and it is constructed very well. But I am a little disappointed in the toys available for Sophia's entertainment. My niece calls this her "Rap Station". Sophia will have one hand on the spinning wheels while her other hand is on the buttons that light up and play music. Honestly, other than that, the remainder of the accessories are boring. The dragon puppet annoys her. She eats the felt tower of shapes and completely ignores the seventies, psychedelic sun. Other exersaucers have accessories that detach and can be replaced so babies attention is always enticed. With this Graco exersaucer, it's what you see is what you get.
After seeing her torso control improve and her enjoyment with the few select toys, I am convinced that an excersaucer is a must have for all babies. I am not convinced that this is the one to buy. Careful shopping friends.
Jack highly recommends his Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo. He was in it at about 3.5 months and still goes in it now at 10 months and LOVES it. Lots to look at. The seat spins, sways, bounces.
I caution that it is god awful ugly.... but if he loves it, SO DO I! :)
Thanks. I will definitely look into it. He still fits in it?
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