Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Yesterday was Sophia's first Halloween. I must say I don't think I could be any prouder. My mom (Mommom) bought her first costume. She was a mama Kangaroo with the baby kangaroo in her pouch. Really she was absolutely precious. We went with my sister, her daughter, her friends, an old student of mine and many parents. After about two hours of trick or treating, we were off to Sophia's first Halloween party where she stole the hearts of all. But this is the informational part of the post. Even though it was nice to be out and about, and even though Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, we still stuck to her schedule. One thing that all children need, school age or babies, is consistency. It's no fun to through them off. Everyone suffers. So Sophia was bathed and fed and in bed by 7:30. We went a half hour past the "schedule". Because of our careful timing, we even had a good night of sleeping after her very over stimulating day. Thank goodness. Pictures to come.

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