Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Preparing for Baby

For all of you where I am in their pregnancy, it is time to really begin getting ready for baby. This weekend, we began with closets. We bought organization products so we could begin making extra space for all the adorable clothes and new products still sitting in bags and boxes. We also filled six Hefty bags of clothes that are in excellent condition, but we just don't want or they just don't fit. Those clothes are going to Salvation Army. I could have sold them for a lot on my eBay store Little Baby Headquarters. We chose to donate them for two reasons, it's a great tax right off and I have supplied needy people with absolutely beautiful clothing. It all worked out.

As for organization...Take 10% off any order at GetOrganized, no coupon necessary. Your discount will be reflected at Check Out.
We have minimized our clothes to what we like and wear. We are consolidating so clothes are easily accessible and more room is made for all of the baby clothes and items. The hard part is waiting a little longer to totally get the room set up. After all closets are finished, we need to start arranging the nursery. So what products are necessary if timing is an issue?

This is what's top on my list:
Make room in closets
Set up bassinet
Pick up glider/rocker (my parents bought our, it's beautiful)
Clean and hang clothing
Find a place changing table

When baby is born, I would be happy that these items were ready to go.
So I must go, it's time to get cleaning, get organizing, and get ready.

Keep reading. Check out Take Your Leap
Check out Little Baby Headquarters

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