Sunday, January 4, 2009

Traveling with an Infant

If you plan on traveling with a 4-24 month old read on...

This past Thanksgiving my husband and I traveled to Puerto Rico with our 6 month old daughter. I planned and packed very carefully, and my preparation really helped the trip to run smoothly. Below is a list of steps and items that helped our first trip to go successfully.

One month before leaving:
1. I went shopping for all the essentials. Diapers, powder travel packets of formula, wipes, baby food, disposable bibs, sunscreen, Tylenol, bottle sponge.
2. I ordered "island" essentials such as a pool floatie, sun glasses, sun hat, bathing suits, umbrella stroller, high chair cover, and a pack n' play.
3. I found the ideal portable "bed" for her to sleep in while in the hotel crib. I didn't want her in that crib without protection. I am not found of hotel sheets as it is.

10 days before leaving:
1. I shipped the pack n' play to the hotel. I had the USPS charge me for return shipping and pre-print a return label.
2. I also packed the basics in 2 boxes and shipped those to the hotel also. It is important to call the hotel and prepare them for the boxes' arrivals, so they will sign and hold the items. In those boxes I included all the formula, wipes, diapers, bibs, high chair cover, floatie, sponge, Tylenol, and food.

The morning of:
I packed in my carry on: diapers, cloth bibs, bottle warmer, sleep positioner, all the bottles I needed, liquid formula for the car ride to the airport, the plane ride and taxi to hotel. It is OK to have liquid formula. I didn't use powder because it is to be mixed with bottled water and you can't get it through, so I would have trouble timing, buying and mixing the water to get through the checkpoint.

With all of this in place, I was able to make Sophia to feel "at home" on the island.

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