Friday, May 2, 2008

Getting Ready! Getting Close!

Last night Jeff took me out for a fabulous dinner at David Burke's Fromagerie. Our luck, live music was playing and it was super. Jeff and I always plan date nights, but this one was more special. Upscale restaurant, dressed fancy and terrific food. The only damper were the contractions. For four hours I contracted. Now trust me, it didn't slow down my eating, but it was uncomfortable. We headed straight to bed when we arrived home, but nothing stopped. I was awoken at 3 in the morning with Pain, but after an hour, we were back to sleep. This morning doctor's appointment went really well, but definitely confirmed that I should continue baby prepping. While the LPN was listening to the heartbeat, I had a pretty heavy contraction, and that calmed my nerves because we were able to hear how she reacts during crunch time in the womb. After my exam, I was 1 cm dialated, and she felt everything was going according to schedule. Therefore, I am hoping I won't be in a 30 hour labor. My body seems to be doing all the right things.

Now, time to go upstairs and put the baby's bumper set on the crib. Once that is on, there won't be much more to do in the nursery. We are going to pack the hospital suitcase and enjoy the rest of the ride.

Tonight we are sleeping at my parents' house because we are having an Open House WEEKEND. UGG! I hate the idea, but this is the last time I am having an open house until late summer, early fall. By then, the house will be sold:) Right now, I like the direction of life. God continues to bless our businesses and we continue to try and grow as employers, people and a couple.

Be well today and enjoy the Friday we all waited for.

1 comment:

Alison Kennedy said...

Glad to hear your appt went well. Sophia's almost here! Can't wait to meet her....