Friday, September 12, 2008

A Great Day!

Today Sophia went for a check up and she grew a whole inch in 3 weeks. This child is 26 inches. Those genes...

We are doing well. i hope you read my post yesterday. After my breakthrough decision, i have a new view on life. Sophia is helping. She took 4 awesome naps today, no crib, but that's ok. She also slept in the car and sat quietly in the car...two firsts.

It's amazing with all my college degrees, and I am following the lead of a three and a half month old and it works.

I explained to the doctor about her green, pasty poop, constant drool and being warm to the touch. She explained to me to get prepared for the wild ride of teething. Yikes. That made me even happier with my decision to continue with attachment parenting. When a child is in pain, love can only soothe.

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